bv Reiley, Luke, Kate and Madison: December 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thanks Papi.

These pictures are for you Papi. Thank you for watching the boys today and allowing us to spend this precious time with our girls. Jason and Maddie. Karina and Kate.
Kate Elisabeth.
Madison Olivia.

Proud Auntie

Madison in mommy's arms.
Kate sucking her thumb.
Aunt Kasey and Kate.
Daddy and Kate.

Back to Rockford...

Jason and I were delighted to be able to hold our girls today for the first time. Well, I held Kate a couple of days ago for 15 minutes, but today we were able to hold both of them for over an hour. Jason is giving Maddie her second bottle ever. She did much better than the day before.
This is Kate. The bow is courtesy of Aunt Kasey who joined us from Chicago.
Madison was very alert for most of our visit. I had never seen her this alert ever before. She makes funny faces trying to keep her eyes open.
Madison relaxing with daddy.

Reiley's aquadoodle.

Santa finally found our house!

Mommy came home Saturday afternoon from the hospital after 27 long days. We woke up today and Santa had left us some presents.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bili lights.

Madison under the bili lights.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Madison's first bottle.

These pictures are of Madison attempting to take her first bottle. She will need some time to figure it out.

How tiny are they?

This is Kate sunbathing. She is under special lights which will help her jaundice clear up. She is wearing special eye protectors.
This is Madison next to Jason's hand.
This is Kate next to Jason's hand.

Thursday, December 28, 2006



Little Miss Kate.

This morning Kate pulled out her feeding tube... The nurse decided to try the bottle with her. She guzzled the first 3cc and then realized that she had to work for her food. Kate decided to play around with the nipple but managed to finish her feeding (the remainder 3cc) by bottle. This is a good thing, but she will keep her feeding tube until she eats from the bottle consistently. I am trying to leave Maddie alone because she gets stressed easily and the nurses manipulate her enough... I sit by her bed and talk to her and try not to touch her. It's hard not to stick my hand in her incubator and let her hold my hand, but it's for the best.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Austin Girls

Kate had a very good day and I was able to hold her for the first time (10:30pm). I had to keep her bundled up and can you believe her hat was a bit too small for her? She weighed 4lbs 4 oz today. Hiding under the blankets are all the lines, IV and feeding tube in her mouth. We had a special 15 minutes together.
This is Kate's close up. The purple object is a pacifier. She's not a big fan of it. She has tape on her chin which is holding the feeding tube in place in her mouth.
This is Maddie. She is doing well, but has some catching up to do. Her hands and feet are pretty bruised up, so they had to place her IV in her head. Not a pleasant thought. Both girls came off the CPAP today, but Maddie needed a canular in her nose which provides extra oxygen. She also has a feeding tube in her mouth. Both girls are receiving breastmilk through their feeding tubes and are tolerating it well. Maddie weighed 5lbs 4oz today.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

This is Madison. She is hooked up to an IV for fluids and antibiotics; the tubes in her nose are for added pressure for the lung (she can breathe on her own); she has three leads on her chest and something that measures her oxygen levels which is attached to her foot. I know this looks bad, but she is doing ok/fine. We hope to loose the tubes in her nose by tonight or tomorrow. She's the fiesty one. I think she gets that from mommy.
This is Jason cutting Maddie's cord.
This is Madison.
Kate is our relaxed baby. She is hooked up to the same things her sister is.... but is a little better off. I hope to post pictures of them when they are less tied down per say.

Happy Birthday to Kate and Maddie!!!

Jason is ready!
Madison Olivia was born (second) at 11:56am weighing in at 5lbs 7oz and 19 inches long. She refused to breathe right away, so she was intubated but was soon off the breathing tube and breathing on her own.
This is Kate Elisabeth born at 11:55am weighing in at 4lbs 7oz and 17 inches long. She came out kicking and screaming. It was awesome to hear her crying.

32 Weeks and 5 Days

Today might be the day. I am 5cm dilated and the doctor is pretty sure we'll do the c-section today because Kate is still breech. Jason is on his way as I write this. I will post as soon as I have any news. Words that describe me right now would be: nervous, excited, anxious, happy, scared and scatter -brained (sp?). Anyhow, hope to share good news by the end of the day. Thank you for your continued prayers. We've come a long was since December 4th when I took that ever so exciting helicopter ride from Sterling to Rockford...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

32 Weeks.

Ok, so these are not the most attractive pictures... however, I know some of you are very curious. The top picture is obviously my front view. Notice my lopsidedness... Kate is sitting low on my right side and Madison is crossways on my upper left. The next picture is my profile. My IV is out, so I was able to put on an actual top instead of the lovely hospital gown...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I had an ultrasound this morning to check the girls' weights. Kate is now about 3lbs and 7oz and Maddie is 5lbs and 4oz. That puts them in the 30th and 70th percentile respectively. They checked for the fluid surrounding the girls and the blood flow between the placenta and the babies and everything looked good. I asked about their weight difference and they told me that both girls are growing and everything that they can see from the ultrasound looks good. So, basically they couldn't give me an explanation... I am off the Mag Sulfate and onto the oral medication. They will be monitoring my contractions and checking to see if there is any cervical change. I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow! Hope to post belly pix of that milestone.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

31 Weeks!!

We've made it to 31 weeks. I did not post my 30 week picture because it was inappropriate... The sexy mesh hosptial undewear were a bit too revealing. Anyhow, we've done it. We are still altogether in one big mass. The doctor is hopeful that we remain one unit for at least 2 more weeks. This means I'll be here in this bed, hooked up to my drugs until December 28th when they will slowly wean me off the meds and let my body do its thing. (Unless, Kate and Maddie have other plans.)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

December 4 - December 10

I have been in the hospital since Monday morning... It's a long story, so I'll just give you the highlights...
1. I had a non-stress test on Monday at 9:30am in Sterling.
2. The girls looked great, but I had started contracting/dilating.
3. The doctor did not want to take any chances (Sterling is not equipt to handle babies born before 34weeks), so I was air lifted by helicopter to Rockford Memorial Hospital.
4. I've been on medication to keep the contractions to a minimum or stop them all together. The doctors have attempted several times to wean me off the medication, but my contractions don't want to let up.
5. I am currently 30weeks and 3 days pregnant and 3 centimeters dilated. Our first goal is to stay pregnant until 31 weeks which is this Thursday.

Every day the girls stay inside me is a huge deal. Ideally we'd like to make it to 34 weeks. I've been keeping myself busy reading, surfing the net, watching movies and talking on the phone. Most of the time I just lie here watching tv or listening to it since the medication keeps me pretty groggy. The side effects are not good, but they don't hurt the girls and they are doing just fine.
Jason and the boys seem to be getting along just fine. We've had great help from Nanie, Anne, Vovo, Papa, Cici, and many more. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I will try to keep you posted on the happenings.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Day cont...

One foot in...
Finally, he sat in it or rather fell into the tire track. Daddy had to rescue him.

Snow Day continued...

Well, he loved it.
First, he stuck his hands in it.
Stood up and laughed.

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